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If you’ve visited this site and discovered some useful information, or used one of the many services offered by this site then that’s great. That is exactly what the site was intended for – to act as a medium to allow people to share information and knowledge on the Soviet Army. However, this site really can’t function or grow without the contribution of the visitors of this site. There are three main ways you can ensure keeps growing.

Firstly, you can make a financial donation. This is needed because the running of this site costs a lot of money. Also, providing many of the services costs money. You can be assured that all donations go to new research materials, hosting expenses and providing services.

Secondly, if you have a web site you can add our banner to it. We thrive on new visitors from other sites, and this is often one of the most effective way that this site can expand. By adding our banner, you’ll be helping us out.

Thirdly, you can contribute an article or undertake some research. This site’s primary aim is the sharing of knowledge and information. By adding to this site you’ll help the site expand and you’ll get full credit for all your work.

More information on all the ways you can help out this site are listed below.

Financial Donation

While will always remain free and open to the public, the running of is not free. This site’s primary purpose has always been to offer accurate information on the Soviet military forces, and was never intended to make a profit. However, it has become necessary to make a formal request for donations to offset the risings costs of running this site.

There are a large number of costs assosciated with the running of this site. This includes such things as web hosting, and the registration of software to offer more services (such as the classified advertisments and the Web discussion forum). Providing these services costs a fair amount of money. Your donation will help cover that cost and assist in providing new services, as well as facilitating the purchasing of new research materials.

If has provided you with useful information or a useful service, please remember that although the service was provided for free, it did cost money to provide. Please consider a donation…. To show the deep appreciation reserved for people who donate to this site, all people who graciously dontate are listed in the Site Benefactors List. Banner

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You can also support this site by adding our banner to your web site. Simply cut and paste the above code into your web page, and you’ll have shown your support for this site. One of the largest sources of traffic for this site comes from links on other pages. Often these visitors become some of the most active and enthusiastic users of this site. Hence, we really do appreciate everyone who links to this site.


There’s only so much research and knowledge that one person has and can undertake. That’s why this site relies on the contributions and expertise of the visitors who come here. If you have an area of knowledge, or wish to undertake research please email with your idea or proposal. You’ll get full credit for your work and much exposure.

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