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Subscribers are free to post questions and answers. This forum is intended to help people learn more about the Soviet Armed Forces and pool knowledge. It is not intended for individuals to advertise their businesses or buy and trade goods. If you wish to sell items visit the Classified Advertisments Section. You can post your advertisments for free there. This forum is also not intended to be a political one, unless it has direct relevance to military matters. This list was not designed to be a forum to promote any political ideology.
Have you been exploring the history of the Soviet Union and its Red Army? Here…
The following extract comes from US Army Field Manual 100-2-3 - The Soviet Army; Troops…
The Soviet Military ranking scheme is relatively complex compared to most Western systems for designation…
Welcome to the book shop. All books here are rated and reviewed, and available…
Images and information for this section originated from Rules and Regulations for the Wearing of…