The following page contains a list of previously experienced problems and what you can do to solve them. If you…
Welcome to this discussion board! This document gives you the basic knowledge that you need to use this board effectively.…
Formatting A powerful formatting language developed specifically for this application allows you to format your posts without knowledge of HTML.…
Program Credits This discussion forum is an implementation of the Discus discussion board program developed by DiscusWare, LLC of Holland,…
All users must abide by these conditions of use; if this is unacceptable do not use the service provided. Please…
Step 4 - Viewing your advertisement: You should now be shown a summary of your advertisement and any photos/images (if…
The following extract comes from US Army Field Manual 100-2-3 - The Soviet Army; Troops Organisation and Equipment published in…
The following extract comes from US Army Field Manual 100-2-3 - The Soviet Army; Troops Organisation and Equipment published in…
The following extract comes from US Army Field Manual 100-2-3 - The Soviet Army; Troops Organisation and Equipment published in…
Top : History Links: I Remeber (English) Memories and recollections of Red Army veterans. A recommended site. Added: 13-Oct-2000. Hits:…