Q – How much do you charge?
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Q – Can I have multiple banners rotated?
A – Yes, and you can also receive detailed statistics on the effectiveness of each banner.
Q – Can I restrict the areas in which my banner appears?
A – Sure. If you sell Soviet uniforms you may wish to have your ads only displayed in the ‘Rank and Uniforms’ section. This can be done. Or if you wish you can have one banner displayed in one area, and a different banner displayed in another.
Q – What are the restrictions on my banner?
A – It must have a width of 468 pixels and be 60 pixels high (468×60). It can be either a jpg or a gif and should be no bigger than 15kb.
Q – What happens if I’ve got a question not answered here?
A – Send an email message to sales@sovietarmy.com and we’ll be more than happy to answer any question you might have.
Have you been exploring the history of the Soviet Union and its Red Army? Here…
The following extract comes from US Army Field Manual 100-2-3 - The Soviet Army; Troops…
The Soviet Military ranking scheme is relatively complex compared to most Western systems for designation…
Welcome to the SovietArmy.com book shop. All books here are rated and reviewed, and available…
Images and information for this section originated from Rules and Regulations for the Wearing of…